What's Next?
Have you ever pursued a dream, planned an event, challenged yourself or set goals all the while hoping to achieve a desired outcome? Sometimes the end result brings you to a place you never imagined. Your landing, wherever that may be, leaves you excited, enriched, inspired, more prepared and sometimes a tad bit exhausted. The combination of all the above is where I sit, today. At this juncture, the best course of action has been to pause, take a deep breath and “sit with” where I am right now. Looking around; taking an inventory of all I have learned along the way.
As some of you know on May 12th we held our second fundraiser, Cruisin to the Blues. It was a fabulous event, successful on many levels... twice the size of the first fundraiser, Crabby about Cancer! We joined forces with another wonderful nonprofit, The Diane Dawson Foundation and together hosted an outrageous evening of fun, great food, music, awareness, and networking. The books aren’t quite closed yet, but with your kindness and support, we raised nearly $50,000! More importantly, our team gained tremendous insight and discovered new inspiration for all the events to come.
This is all to say, I know all too well the difficulty in just “hanging out” for a bit after a goal has been accomplished. There is anxiety, impatience and the potential to leap too quickly into the “what’s next” phase of a fabulous journey. I remind myself, while recognizing the irony, “Patti, remember you teach mindfulness practice.” Okay, feet officially held to the fire!
So what are we doing now? Breathing. Experiencing gratefulness. Reflection. And… most importantly, we continue to provide our ongoing services with more passion and commitment to expand and give those in our community who are in active cancer treatment, survivors, caregivers and family members a full menu of wonderful services. We still need to raise a tremendous amount of money to continue building our dream healing oasis…. And we will!
Watching my daughter graduate from college last weekend provided amazing insight as to the significance of the question “what’s next? ” Every graduate has had to endure hearing a litany of questions: Did you get a job yet? Are you interviewing? What will you do with that degree?..... You catch the drift?
I’m stilled. A witness. Witnessing the power of pausing, reveling in the moment of a great accomplishment. Breathing it all in.
I’m learning from my daughter, as I watch her with such grace, giving herself permission to breathe, to be enormously grateful and bathe in all her incredible experiences in and out of the classroom with great reflection.
She trusts, she knows. She believes in her dreams. It’s powerful to observe.
Wellness Within knows. We continue to learn, grow, teach, share our heart and more significantly, are incredibly honored for so many allowing us to accompany them on one of the most difficult journeys of their life. We are thankful for the multiple ways people have supported Wellness Within.
What’s next?
Watch; witness what a group of passionate individuals can do to make a difference in the lives of those on the cancer journey.
Take good care,