New Team Member - Brook


We are thrilled to welcome Brook to our team here at Wellness Within. She is interning with Patti for the Mind-Body Medicine program and with her extensive background will be offering some other classes in September; watch our calendar for more details.  

Brook Rivera is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, recognized Drugless Practitioner from AADP, and is certified in Raw Food Nutrition.  She has grown up in both the food industry and health field, being a daughter of a restaurateur and a third generation healer.  Having worked in the health field for over 20 years, she is familiar with a wide range of holistic healing modalities, and recognizes the importance of bio-individuality in health and well-being.

As a firm believer in health not only beginning with the food you eat, but also with your state of mind, she is also excited to be interning as a Mind-Body Medicine leader at Wellness Within.  A natural teacher, she loves supporting others in making simple changes to their diets and lifestyles so that they may experience greater joy and health, and spread it to others!