Cancer Coach


By Jeannine Walston When diagnosed with a brain tumor in 1998 when I was 24 years old, I knew nothing about cancer. My fear shattered every ounce of my bones. As I moved through the terror and eventually completely redefined my knowledge, I’ve learned tremendous wisdom to help others.

My path has been with twists and turns, highs and lows. After my first awake brain surgery in April of 1998, I spent several years trying to learn healing. As a patient, I used acupuncture, herbs, homeopathy, craniosacral work, Shamanic work, support groups, and much more. Instead of continuing my job in the U.S. Congress, I felt inspired to work in the cancer community for non-profits and a consultant with the National Cancer Institute and Food and Drug Administration. But I reached a destination both personally and professionally where I no longer could only focus on the disease and instead needed to address the whole person. I worked for the National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine’s Clearinghouse before starting my own business Healing Focus.

Then cancer returned more directly to my consciousness once again. In 2004 I received shocking news. I was told about my brain tumor recurrence, and that it was visible on my MRI scans since 2000. I did everything I was told to do with frequent MRIs. My difficult experience illuminated for me the necessity to collect medical records and advocate for myself.

For my brain tumor recurrence, I used hundreds of integrative cancer therapies for many years, including at three cancer clinics in Europe and the Gonzalez protocol. However, I eventually needed to have my second awake brain surgery September of 2011. Over almost one and a half years since then, my healing continues.

Every step of my journey taught me about self-care and self-advocacy to feel better and live longer. Through my professional work woven through every chapter of my own healing, I’ve researched integrative cancer care for the whole person that improves quality of life and cancer survival. Integrative cancer care addresses the body, mind, and spirit, including social and environmental health. You can learn more about integrative cancer care for the whole person with extensive information on my website at I invite you to read my articles explaining integrative cancer care, how to create an integrative cancer care plan, cancer diet, inflammation and cancer, other articles about whole body cancer care and cancer prevention, explanations about other therapies, mind-body wellness, spirituality vitality, social connections, and a clean, green environment. The cancer treatments navigation and support section also shares a tremendous amount of information and resources.

My purpose in this lifetime involves helping cancer patients and caregivers to optimal health and healing. I now work as a cancer coach to extend one-on-one support to coach and guide people affected by cancer. You can find more details about my services on my website in Cancer Coach.

Be proactive. Educate yourself about integrative cancer care. Ask for help. You deserve and can find exactly what you need. Many blessings to you on your healing path.


Jeannine Walston shares information and inspiration to support optimal health and healing in cancer patients with integrative cancer care through her educational website of articles and blogs. Jeannine is passionate about educating and empowering cancer patients and cancer caregivers. has been utilizing Jeannine’s articles to educate, inspire and support our clients since we opened our doors. Please visit her website for invaluable information.