I Care - Sacramento Bee

I Care: Providing mind-body healing at Wellness Within By Autumn Payne

A match is struck and a hope candle is lit. A sacred space is created where those struggling with cancer can discover and develop their inner strength. Patti Brown, right, gently tends this space. She guides the women in a soothing meditation where the unconscious mind is free to flourish and the spirit is nourished. Brown is the founder of Wellness Within, a Roseville center offering free mind-body healing classes for cancer patients and survivors. It provides classes in nutrition, yoga, meditation and individual counseling. "For people to allow you into a very raw vulnerable time is and honor," says Brown. "I am completely awe-inspired by people's stories. I don't think I've ever witnessed so much bravery and courage in my life since I started this work."

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From Exposures: Sacramento Bee Photographers Blog
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