Nutrition for the Soul


As a Certified Holistic Health Coach, I believe that nutrition goes beyond the food you put in your mouth.  What we health coaches term as  your "primary food" is actually not what's on your plate, but about what's in your life and in your thoughts (stress, exercise, career, spiritual practice, family life...).  And many times your primary food has more of an impact on your health than the food you eat.

When it comes to our bodies, we can be super hard on ourselves. No matter where you are in the cancer journey, keep in mind that your thoughts and words carry power…and that includes the power to help you move through a difficult time physically, mentally, and emotionally...or hinder your ability to do so.  So choose them wisely, and be forgiving.  To help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of the top ways to tell yourself you are worthy, beautiful/handsome, important, and loved!


  1. Sing, sing, sing!  Singing has been shown to increase happiness, increase energy, and increase the harmony in your life.  Try it now!

  2. Laugh.  Watch a funny movie.  Spend time with people who make you laugh.  Laughing boosts immunity and lowers levels of stress hormones.  Fun fact: six year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 to 100 times a day.  How many times have you laughed today?

  3. Wear natural fibers.  Try bamboo, cotton, and hemp.  They are breathable and feel so good on the skin!

  4. Drink your water.  A hydrated body is a happy body – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

  5. Find some quiet time daily. Journal, meditate, take a leisurely stroll, or simply find a peaceful spot to sit and reflect.  When was the last time you were alone with your thoughts?

  6. Sex.  Need I say more?

  7. Exercise.  It raises serotonin levels, boosts endorphins and self-confidence, and creates a leaner and stronger body.  Even if you don’t have a lot of energy, a meandering stroll or gentle stretching will have the same benefits.

  8. Spend time in nature.  With its warmer weather and longer daylight hours, summer is the perfect time to turn off the tv and step outside.  Eat breakfast in the morning sun on your porch, do some star gazing, go canoeing…

  9. Be thankful and show gratitude.  It raises the vibrations in your cells and thus your health, energy, and outlook on life.

  10. Pamper yourself.  Get a massage, pedicure, or manicure; take a bath; or trade hand and feet massages with a loved one.

  11. Get a good night’s rest.  Sleep is when your body heals and recharges.  Don’t underestimate the power of sleep.

  12. Eat lots of vegetables, especially green leafy ones.  Greens have more valuable nutrients than any other food group on the planet.   They are a life giving force full of easily assimilating amino acids!   It’s enough to build the protein that supports the muscle mass of the mighty gorilla and big beefy cow.  Chew on that.

  13. Do something you love!

  14. Take a class at Wellness Within.  They’re free and all of our staff will appreciate you for who you are and keep you honest.
  15. And last but not least, simply tell yourself, “I love you!”  Find what you love about yourself (your talents, your physical traits, your beliefs) and focus on that.  So many times we focus on what’s wrong when everything else about us is perfect.  It’s like taking your little thumb to blot out the immense size of the sun.  It’s doable, but is it really accurate?