Seasons of the Mind
While hiking in the coastal mountains near Sonoma last week I was surrounded with the notable signs of fall. Brilliant colors flashed and sizzled as autumn leaves swirled around in circles of joy. Gold, orange and yellow ruled the day. I clutched my coat a bit tighter when an icy breeze reminded me of the approaching winter. The world was changing with each breath I drew, and my inner thoughts and moods were being transformed, as well.
Change is the lesson of each season. Change and transformation regulate the natural laws of life. When we observe nature in its most beautiful dress we feel an intimate connection. Something within us is stirred and inspired to reach out our hearts and souls for nature’s warm embrace. And nature rarely denies this mutual affection.
And so it is with the nature of our luminous minds. When we sit in stillness and in love we can find the very change and transformation that brings beauty to all external things. But we must look closely and with deep intimacy. We must disregard the judgments and nagging thoughts that are constant distractions from the very beauty that we seek. Enshrined in peaceful quietude we can discern the wisdom of our own nature. And just as with the autumn leaves, when we allow ourselves to love and breathe, we feel the loving comfort of nature’s warm embrace.