Join the Post-It Project


post-it note art Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way in their life…and almost everyone has touched a post-it note at some point (if not everyday) in their life. We are creating a wall of art from around the world -- made by you!! -- as a memorial, testimony, and of hopes and courage to all those affected by cancer.

No artistic talent necessary to join our Post-It Project!  No matter where you live, simply create a tiny piece of art on post-it note and send it in to us with a $5 donation. And then invite others to contribute!  OR create your post-it note, post it on Instagram with the hashtags #postitproject and #wellnesswithin and donate $5 online.

The goal:

  • To gather 700 post-it notes and display them on our wall as a means of inspiration, message of love, and hope for all.
  • To raise funds to help keep our services free

Pinterest Project Post-ItjpgNeed some inspiration to get you started? Create your post-it note...

  • in honor of someone
  • in honor of something inspirational to you
  • with doodles!
  • about what makes you happy
  • with a message. words work too.


  • any size or color post-it note
  • any medium of art accepted (paint, pencil, glitter, magazine cut outs, etc.)
  • please no nudity or profanity
  • include your first name and city, state on the back
  • mail in to Wellness Within with a $5 donation 609 Oak St., Roseville CA 95678


With your help we can gather 700 post-it notes and create a Wall of Wellness -- one that has been touched by and created for everyone around the world!!

And if you are a lover of Instagram and/or Pinterest, all post-it arts will be posted on our accounts.