Word Play: Try it “Write" Now!
For over two years now I have facilitated one of the mind- body healing programs offered here at Wellness Within,"Expressive Writing for Healing”. The program has a dedicated core of fervent believers like me and Executive Director Patti Brown but, we are puzzled by the inconsistent attendance for these sessions. Is it because the group title “Expressive Writing” sounds too serious and academic? If we renamed the program “Yoga on Paper” would it sound more intriguing? How about: “Meditative journaling” or “Word play?” During these sessions, I provide fun, engaging, intriguing, or contemplative prompts like photos, found objects, quotes, current event topics or music to get people thinking. Everyone is free to write whatever they need to write that day- It could be a grocery list, a memory from the past, family story, or, something related to the prompt. The important thing is we just vent out our “stuff” in words onto the paper without criticism or judgment of any kind. We share if we want to, and support each other in our self –expression. There are no “wrong” words or miss-spellings- We don’t edit ourselves, we just put our thoughts on the page. I can tell you we leave the session feeling a sense of release and validation. It can be a very freeing and cathartic experience.
There is scientific research and evidence that writing out one’s thoughts, feelings, stories and truth during and/or after a Cancer diagnosis assists in healing, reduces stress and anxiety, assists in personal relationships and just overall frees one’s soul.
I used a quartet of Dr. Seuss prompts earlier this year and we had a blast putting our own personal adventures into his famous sing- song format. I have included (with permission) excerpts from some members poems below. Inspired by the Dr. Seuss Quote: “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.”
All About SHE
Me-er than me?
But what about SHE?
SHE is like me, it’s true
But quite thin and quite chic –
Really something to see
SHE lurks about, Implies that I’m stout Her thoughts she makes Clear with a glance or a shout.
I don’t like her there, I’d like her out of my hair. Her words can be cruel and Really NOT fair.
SHE talks right in my ear; SHE hangs out quite near. It’s tempting to hide - Live in quiet and fear.
But what if I’m loud? I won’t live in this shroud, I’ll leap and I’ll dance, I’ll float like a cloud.
I will make her stop. Like a bubble she’ll pop. I’ll stand up, call her bluff, And end up tip top.
Today I am me. It’s something to see.
With Apologies to Dr Seuss The older I grow The less that I know Of life, loss and sadness And laughter I suppose…
Big Bagoo told me to “Hold tight and hold true Thru the Cancer Dance I will guide you with magical goo”
The goo and the drips, Nurse Ratchet with needles and pricks “Stay Away Bagoo” I cried “There is no remedy in all that you do”
For months I was probed, cut here And cut over there “We think we have got it” They said with much care
“How do you know, you can’t See what’s not there,” My inner voice blared. “Beware, be Aware!”
Please consider joining us for Expressive Writing when you can. Stories are gifts always best shared with others! If you have feedback on the best days and/or times for the group to be offered please contact me at lmorgan@wellnesswithin.org