A Birthday Celebration


The year was 2010. Apple introduced us to the iPad; Bode Miller raced with reckless abandon at the Vancouver Winter Olympics; the Healthcare Reform Bill and Affordable Care Act passed in Congress… and on September 13th Wellness Within held its first class to support cancer patients and their families. Five years ago I said YES! I opened Wellness Within Cancer Support Services with my heart on fire.  Prior to opening the Center I learned from family and friends the life altering, head spinning impact a cancer diagnosis has on individuals and their families.  I was passionate about providing an integrative approach to treating the whole person while navigating a cancer diagnosis.

Throwback ~ Our 1st Brochure in 2010

brochureSoon after opening the Center I was joined by a group of amazing practitioners to help meet the psychosocial needs of all those affected by the trauma of cancer. Together our team made the commitment to be in the trenches with people as they traversed the numerous assaults on their mind, body and spirit.  We have grown steadily in five years time. Today we have approximately 200 visits a month to our classes.  Just last month we served over 1,300 people though our outreach efforts.  This year for our 5th annual Gala all four of our community’s largest hospitals, Dignity Health, U.C. Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sutter and Kaiser are proud sponsors at our event.  Our reputation has grown through word of mouth by hundreds of those who utilize our services. We work with an  abundance of nurses, hospital social workers and doctors throughout the region, all who share feedback on the impact we are having on their patients.  I’m so gratified to see this welcoming space meeting the needs of people, one person at a time.

Come celebrate this time with us next Thursday at the center… or at the Gala on October 2nd.  We thank you for helping enable all this to happen.  We wouldn’t have been able to realize this vision without your help.

Taisen Deshimaru quote whispers in my ear, “To receive everything, one must open one’s hands and give.” Today, celebrating our 5 year anniversary my team and I extend our open hands and continue to give. With yours and the  community’s ongoing support we will remain steadfast in our mission to enhance the quality of life of patients, survivors, caregivers and families afflicted with the trauma of cancer by providing accessible support services and education.

With much gratitude, Patti