QiGong Home Practice

qigong We love having Priscilla Tupper share her QiGong-TaiChi fusion classes here at the center. We also know that not everyone has the availability to show up these selected Wednesday evenings, so we thought we would share some recommended videos that you can do at your convenience at home...or wherever!

And this one features Priscilla Tupper herself! We are feeling relaxed already....

QiGong and TaiChi are both powerful forms of movement for healing and energy medicine from China. They use breathing techniques, slow and gentle movements, and focus to strengthen the mind and body by helping the life energy (qi) flow.

The slow gentle movements of most QiGong and TaiChi can be easily adapted for all age groups, and those physically challenged. More youtube videos from Priscilla:

TaiChiKay TaiChiKay1

Recommended videos:

Lee Holden Francesco Garripoli