May in the Arts
The art classes from Wellness Within will be moving from Thursday evenings to Fridays, starting in May. These classes are the “Art Journaling for Teens” and a new adult class “Get Creative.”
Get Creative , will begin at 1pm -2:30, and follow a theme for the month. No experience is needed, and we encourage everyone to try a month worth of classes to learn and create some tools for nourishing your soul.
Our first month will be about finding your true north. This beginning is a way to start a dialogue with your true creative imagination. Carl Jung says, "I am indeed convinced that creative imagination is the only primordial phenomenon accessible to us, the real Ground of the phyche, the only immediate reality. Being the 'only immediate reality,' the devine, creative imagination is the primordial ground of reality itself."
In finding true north, we can begin to allow our imagination to move along an unfettered path. By this I mean, no judgement from the intellect, the ego, or others around us. Our creative center is our truth, and no one knows this but ourselves, and what a joy to be able to tap the depths of our soul in a voice of color, mark, and form. Expression is release. Release is freedom from censoring ourselves, and tapping into the Divine within.
Please join us on this journey and perhaps through the inner languages of creativity we can begin to heal, grow, and manifest our true north.