Be Well at Wellness Within

It’s been a bit more than a year since I began offering art therapy workshops at Wellness Within. After the busy hospital setting where I’d previously worked, the calm, serene atmosphere of Wellness Within was balm to my soul.

As an art therapist, I’m passionate about using art in the service of healing. I believe that within each of us dwells a natural artist, someone who knows just what to do when presented with the right project and a safe and supportive environment. Wellness Within is just that kind of a place.

I love to work with themes which weave together parts of our lives. This year we’re exploring Brené Brown’s 10 guideposts to wholehearted living taken from her book: The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. So far, we’ve traveled through the regions of authenticity, compassion, resilience, gratitude and intuition.

The warm and open responses of the participants to our topics is heartwarming. Some feel comfortable with art making and others are somewhat hesitant, but by the end of a 2 hour workshop, I see smiles, surprise at the examples of awesome beauty that have emerged and budding friendships. I invite you to join us on Wednesday, June 14th from 10 am - 12 pm for what is possibly my favorite topic yet: Cultivating Creativity: Letting Go of Comparison. Come and prepare to be delightfully surprised!

